Monday, February 25, 2008


Sweet mother of pearl! Finally done mixing the album and ready to burn CDs...

This track originally was not going to be on the album, but I made a last minute decision to include it, so here it is:

The Wave


Ballisticpenguin said...

as usual fucking mesmerizing...

Becks said...


I demand a cd!


Life Through a 50mm said...

The frailty and the emotion you can convey at will is mind boggeling to me. "Wave" is masterfully done without the extra bells and whistles that most "musicians" have to hide behind. I can't wait to have the finsihed track playing in my cd player all the time.

Unknown said...

Your guitar is beautiful. This song is as well.

My boyfriend is a musician and my favorite times are when he pulls out his guitar and just starts playing.. I stare at the ceiling and dream while he plays.