Monday, March 17, 2008

Darkroom days are here again...

I finally stepped out of my digital world for about 7 hours today and went to the darkroom. Had a lot to do... only got a little done. BUT!! I did get to see the fruits of my agonizing labor from my last shoot with Kelley in January. She sends me a link to a digital infrared color photo one day asking what it is... I explain the whole infrared thing and how black and white infrared film is like no other, yada yada and my brain snaps and says "Yoooooouuuuu have to shoot infrared film". "By candlelight!" The voices in my head tell me to do much stranger shit than kill people, as you can clearly see. So, I go off and blow a wad of cash and nearly break myself in half building this giant contraption in time to do this shoot. It's ten tiers high and holds 30 tea or votive candles per shelf for a total of 300. (see below) This turned out to be BARELY enough light to do what I wanted. Here are the prints from today, following the shot of the tower:

From a Hasselblad 500c on Rollei black and white IR (ISO 400) 6x6cm

Both from Pentax 35mm on Rollei black and white IR (ISO 400) 35mm film


Anonymous said...

Hello! I just happened to stumble upon your blog - your photos are beautiful!!

ArtsyFartsyTim said...

YAY! Hurray for the voices in your head. The images look @#$% fantastic

Ballisticpenguin said...

once again hating you and the team of wildly creative voices in your head! great stuff!

Sehraeuber said...

hat off ... excellent series !!!